
I have had many people tell me how much they like my two drawings as part of Kerry James Marshall’s exhibition in Miami Art Museum. Yesterday, I went to get update info from Bernice Steinbaum (and her assistants) for her gallery website. She asked me about the drawings and if they are available, she “had to have it.” I was surprised because people in Miami haven’t seemed to respond to my work in ways that I would like. What would I like? I’d like to be respected and accorded more credit and opportunities to show in my locale. I’ll have another exhibition opporunity this summer with my friend Edouard (whose studio I showed you) in a show called, “Nepotism.” Isn’t that a fun title? 🙂

I’m going to work on some new photographic pieces, since I have access to tons of free photo paper. A gift came from the Univ. Learning Resources because they are going 98% digital. All the stuff they’re not planning to use anymore has come to the photo area where I’m teaching at no cost to us. They also have two enlargers to bring over once they go through some paperwork. With maybe 20 boxes of 250 sheet boxes of paper, I can experiment without concern for how much it will cost. They also gave us 3 cases of 35mm film: Kodak 125 plus-x, T-Max 100, and T-Max 400. That, and more, will enhance my summer printmaking. 🙂