My little kitchen

Here are two pics of my kitchen/ cooking area. Yesterday I cooked skinless chicken breast marinated in tamari sauce garnished with onion and spices, fresh green beans (with diced onions and garlic, olive oil) and, a baked sweet potatoe. Dessert was a fruit bar with vanilla ice cream. I only ate about half of what I cooked because I’ve been pretty inactive and when I’m less active, I eat less. I thought food consumption should be based on metabolism, not that most people eat three meals per day. I’ve only been eating once per day since classes ended, ending my hunger with fruit (dried & fresh), yogurt and other things like leftovers. I have eaten breakfast a few mornings so, I have eaten two meals in a single day several times. I’m not going hungry by any means. I eat well all the time. The only time in my life I went hungry was when I was in college away from home with no stores nearby campus. That didn’t last long but, I lost 15 lbs. in 6 months. I hated that college. Anyway, here’s a view of my dinner preparations.