My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul |
art_thirst goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Casper the friendly ghost. |
baraksf gives you 9 brown banana-flavoured pieces of bubblegum. |
chrisglass gives you 18 orange coconut-flavoured gummy fruits. |
chriskomater gives you 2 teal grapefruit-flavoured pieces of taffy. |
cpratt tricks you! You get a thumbtack. |
danlmarmot gives you 15 red-orange lime-flavoured wafers. |
jawnbc tricks you! You lose 17 pieces of candy! |
mommybabou gives you 15 mauve cinnamon-flavoured pieces of bubblegum. |
ruralrob tricks you! You lose 22 pieces of candy! |
ultrabithorax gives you 1 orange spearmint-flavoured pieces of chewing gum. |
vwaffle gives you 3 light orange watermelon-flavoured miniature candy bars. |
art_thirst ends up with 24 pieces of candy, and a thumbtack. |
Go trick-or-treating! Username: |
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern. |
2 Replies to “Trick-or-Treat”
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That John! One tricksy boy, he is! (pardon the Gollum-ism!)
Mauve cinnamon bubblegum… sounds goofy! *giggles and runs away*
I would expect nothing less than that from him… 🙂 So far, the only trick-or-treat candy I’ve had is a Tootsie Roll. 🙂