More Edouard’s studio

In 1959 I had a rock collection from my family’s travels across the US. We went from L.A., Calif., to Cincinnati, Ohio every summer and every time we stopped for gas I’d find an interesting rock. I never had a teacher or anyone I was associated with mention the earth sciences as a possible field of study. I had mentioned oceanographic sciences but chemistry wasn’t a strong suit for me. It was the math. I can figure out the answer even though I do it in a different way than I was taught. I still have a great interest in geology, rekindled by my former professor and now colleague at the University.

Edouard got this quartz in New Mexico when he went out there to work on a neighborhood art project. New Mexico is a geologic dream with all kinds of things to look at and for. I want to go back this summer and visit my father who lives outside Albuquerque. The images shown are from a single geode.