Last week of the semester…

Semester ends this week, final projects due, and Friday, final exams at 7:45am! That’s an insane schedule. I already have to get up at 5:30am for my 9am class. Of course, I cook breakfast before leaving. The class is 3 hours long.

Personal projects can commence next week after finals are submitted. This is a good thing. It will also give me some time to send out another application I found today for an institution that does independent study, my favorite kind of college work. Self-motivated students that create their own course of study grow beyond their own beliefs. Most of my grad classmates went through grad school totally changed. Two women found themselves reading feminist & gender works (since their art already dealt with those subjects), delved deeper into themselves, graduated, went home, divorced and started new lives! I wish both lived closer, we had a blast in school.

Today was also one of the Cycling World Cup races, Amstel Gold. Lance Armstrong raced it but ended up 8th. He’s not a single day racer but he said he loved that race. He’s planning on racing a couple more one days races then take the entire month of May to train for the Tour de France. Most cyclists race and take some time off to stay sharp but, he wants to go into the history books by winning his 5th Tour AND doing it consecutively. Only Miguel Indurain has done that. Lance thinks he will try for the 6th making him the only cyclist to do it, if he succeeds. His coach and I used to train and race together before he went into coaching.

cover Glen Gould Piano Works: in my ears. His playing is cool and precise.