Using only one singer/band, answer the following questions with song titles:

I’ve used my favorite pianist/composer, Herbie Hancock.

1. Are you male or female? “Watermelon Man”
2. Describe yourself – “Ostinato”
3. How do some people feel about you? “Riot”
4. How do you feel about yourself? “Speak Like a Child”
5. Describe your girlfriend/boyfriend/interest – “Maiden Voyage”
6. Where would you rather be? “The Eye of the Hurricane”
7. Describe what you want to be – “A Jump Ahead”
8. Describe how you live – “Survival of the Fittest”
9. Describe how you love – “You’ll Know When You Get There”
10. Share a few words of wisdom – “Promise of the Sun”

Current music: Herbie Hancock – Jazz Pianist & Composer

2 Replies to “Using only one singer/band, answer the following questions with song titles:”

  1. Yes, “Maiden Voyage.” Being single any new relationship has to have a beginning and the initial voyage is fresh, full of potential, and exciting. Christen a new boat and put out to sea on that maiden voyage. Herbie Hancock’s album “Maiden Voyage” was so popular with the jazz audience it won record of the yr and the following yr it was runner up. The title track he plays a line, dah, dah, pause, dah, with this haunting expanded diminished sounding chord that lingers in the mind for its unique beauty.

    Listen to a clip of Maiden Voyage & The Eye of the Hurricane

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