I’m color 5C2B0E!!!
What RGB color are ????
cultural practitioner / thoughts & essays
I’m color 5C2B0E!!!
What RGB color are ????
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul |
art_thirst goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Casper the friendly ghost. |
baraksf gives you 9 brown banana-flavoured pieces of bubblegum. |
chrisglass gives you 18 orange coconut-flavoured gummy fruits. |
chriskomater gives you 2 teal grapefruit-flavoured pieces of taffy. |
cpratt tricks you! You get a thumbtack. |
danlmarmot gives you 15 red-orange lime-flavoured wafers. |
jawnbc tricks you! You lose 17 pieces of candy! |
mommybabou gives you 15 mauve cinnamon-flavoured pieces of bubblegum. |
ruralrob tricks you! You lose 22 pieces of candy! |
ultrabithorax gives you 1 orange spearmint-flavoured pieces of chewing gum. |
vwaffle gives you 3 light orange watermelon-flavoured miniature candy bars. |
art_thirst ends up with 24 pieces of candy, and a thumbtack. |
Go trick-or-treating! Username: |
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern. |
Two nights ago I heard talking out front. I didn’t pay much attention until it kept going for a while. It was two cops talking after they had walked around back to check my car’s liscense plate. At least that’s what the guy in back told me. He’s kinda strange but he could be right. The people that moved out a few days ago were starting to make me very cautious since I saw the woman, not young either, buying drugs (crack from what I saw of it right out my front window). I know what crack looks like. I’ve known too many crackheads!
Anyway, I grabbed the camera to take some pictures without the aid of a flash. I was successful to some extent… click the image below and see more.
Last night I was laying up in bed with the TV on falling asleep even though I wanted to pay attention to the programming on Peruvian archeology in the high mountains. They were searching for sacrificed childern hidden in and under the ice from the beginning of the colonial period. Next they went to more things hidden in ice at the top of mountains but, I was too asleep to remember it. Finally they got to the Iceman! I sat up. I loved that find when I first heard about it yrs ago. He’s now housed in Bolzano, Italy. I want to buy one of the museum’s books (about 12euros with the current exchange rate?). This kind of science makes my heart race! The site is in English, Italian, and German.
The Iceman
54 pp., 17 x 23 cm, with colour illustrations
€ 10,00 ;
ISBN 3-85256-100-0
You’re a Vulcan! Cool and collected, you represent
the epitome of self control.
What Star Trek Race Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I’m feeling like doing some of these quizilla things for some reason…
Drawing based on a ‘hoodoo’ curse inflicted on a family member. Story has it one of my grandfather’s sisters was messing around with a man whose lady was from the Bahamas. When this woman found out what was going on she put a curse on my Aunt Mag. The result was ‘snakes’ crawling under the skin of her legs. I met some people that had seen it and said it was true even though her sister, Aunt Berta, denied it. Aunt Mag had trouble walking until her death. She kept her legs wrapped up with some kind of dressing and heavy stockings because she had bad sores on them both. Curse or not, her legs were ‘messed up’.
When a few others catch up with things, I’ll repost it.
Who has a crush on ![]() The below numbers indicate what sorta crushes ![]() Questions? Please read the FAQ. |
1.5 people have a Secret Crush on art_thirst. 0 people have a Public Crush on art_thirst. 0 people have an Ex-Crush on art_thirst. |
How many people have a crush on you? |