Daily Progress…

Have I mentioned about the university lately? Nah, I don’t think so. Anyway, I’ve been working a bit on getting my class from last semester back on the listings: photography and creative (non-fiction) writing. The Eng. Dept. Chair wants to co-list it with the art dept. However, the Art Dept. Chair doesn’t want to offer it as a grad course, as the Eng. Chair wants the course listed, because I’m an adjunct, not fulltime. I was on a fulltime contract last year but, the contract was not renewed. Hoping for things to happen is just plain foolish on my part. I was ‘hoping’ to teach at least one course this summer and I haven’t made enough money to stay on top of my bills. Thank goodness I’ve had some web design work the last few weeks, now that I’m out of money.

Tomorrow is another grants meeting and I probably will be there. The person that deals with that for the humanities area saw me on Tues. and asked if I was going to be there. He’s over the Art Dept. Chair, although he’s not the Dean of Arts and Humanities. The Dean talks about interdiscplinary courses and mine certainly is that. So, even though the Dean won’t be at the meeting, I should probably show up to say that I take this seriously. Maybe, I’m wasting time in academia. If I am, I need to find out VERY quickly so I can get myself involved with something else.

And finally, the Daily Selfpics have continued with success (in terms of documentation). Any comments?


Here are some of the interesting things one finds in the Minnesota woods. Click any thumbnail to see a larger view. Click the larger image to return.

amanita-mushroom collared-earthstar fungi fungi-unknown
gray-amanitopsis lactarius-mushroom-01 lactarius-mushroom-02 red-lichen

Daily Selfpics… a beginning

This Daily Selfpic has begun for a variety of reasons. I’m actually finding it rather fun now that I’ve started it. It’s interesting to see myself in such a variety of environments, even though I was in Minnesota for five days. I got lots of pics while there and maybe that helped me get moving along on this project. The only place to make comments is here, if any are warranted. Enjoy them for what they are.

Daily Selfpics